Golf- A Professional Enjoyable Sport
Golf is considered to be one of the most popular sport worldwide. It is a outside sport and played on large outdoor course. the object being to propel a small hard ball into a series of ‘holes’ with as few strokes as possible, using a variety of wood or iron-tipped sticks or ‘golf clubs’. In 2005, according to a survey, it was revealed that there were nearly 32,000 golf courses in the world, providing ample opportunities to participate for the Golf Players. One of the best among those are Streamsong Golf Resort . Golf can be played of all abilities and ages. Golf provides a stimulating mental challenge along with a healthy walk in pleasant lush green surroundings. Golf is both an individual or team sport. People can play it in the leisure time or can be completely involved in it professionally and take part in various competitions. Health benefits of golf Any sports is good for health as it increases your physical activity. And Golf is also not an exception anytime. Golf is good f...